Friday, January 23, 2009

Wanna Bless Someone???

So eventhough I am not doing photography as a paying gig, I still LOVE photography and love the opportunity I have to capture people. I would love to bless someone you know. Once every two months I will be blessing someone with a session and a CD of their images. Email me at and nominate someone! Tell me why you think they should receive a free session!! I can't wait to bless the people you know.


Anonymous said...

Goodness, I just love your spirit Amanda! [Great] photos are such a blessing....lasting and priceless. How wonderful of you to share such an awesome gift! I am brainstorming now....hmm...who to!?

Anonymous said...

i nominate dennis -->

he is a little "country" but should produce some gems of a photog.

Wendy Groshong said...

I want to nominate my sister and her family. They are always reaching out and doing for others and are the perfect examples of Christ to the world. They also are wanting to grow their family and over the past year have ran into complications but now God has laid it on their heart to adopt and bring a child into their family that needs a family. I would love to see them have a photo shoot when they bring that sweet child home :)