Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Andrew & Abbi

Don't you just love it when your friend is sooo in love?? It's so fun to watch. These two are adorable together. I don't think she stops laughing with him. I love that! We had such a great time driving around to different places. They were up for anything. What a beautiful evening we had. 


Abbi said...

I just SQUEALED out loud!!! I LOVE THEM!!! You are AMAZING! I can't wait for Drew to get off work so he can see them!!!!!! THANK YOU again.

Robin Meadows said...

Oh my!!! These are fabulous!!! Love love love them!!

Anna Meadows said...

Wow... that's my brother... he's cute! lol... Abi is beautiful! great job on the photos...

Gabrielle Spies said...

Amanda, you do beautiful work. Abbi, you look beautiful!...

Jordan Garrett said...

Wow, abbi, you look amazing! And the pictures are sooo beautiful! love it :)

Sara Sousa said...

Amazing photos! Not only are Abbi and Drew fantastic looking in them, but the pictures themselves are captivating! Fantastic! Love them! I can see hearts floating all around...

Anonymous said...

love the pics Abbi... Amanda did a great job capturing the two of you!