Sunday, July 27, 2008

Camp Cavett

Where to even begin on this one? I went and served with a team from at the OU Children's Hospital "Camp Cavett". This is a once a year camp where kids that have illnesses can come and just be kids. We got to clean up the area for the kids arrival and then play, play, play. It's amazing to see a kid that lost his leg to cancer climbing up the rock wall (faster than anyone else) and a kid with a feeding tube rappelling. The counselors at this camp are mainly nurses and cancer survivors so the kids are safe here to run and act crazy. They are living it up!! It taught me and my team so much about embracing every moment we have and giving of ourselves to serve and love God's people... especially the children!!!


Anonymous said...

hey girl! your stuff is incredible!! keep it coming :)

Jayma said...